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{ "batchcomplete": "", "query": { "authmanagerinfo": { "canauthenticatenow": "", "cancreateaccounts": "", "preservedusername": "", "requests": [ { "id": "MediaWiki\\Auth\\PasswordAuthenticationRequest", "metadata": {}, "required": "required", "provider": "Password-based authentication", "account": "", "fields": { "username": { "type": "string", "label": "Benutzername", "help": "Username for authentication." }, "password": { "type": "password", "label": "Passwort", "help": "Password for authentication." } } }, { "id": "MediaWiki\\Auth\\RememberMeAuthenticationRequest", "metadata": {}, "required": "optional", "provider": "MediaWiki\\Auth\\RememberMeAuthenticationRequest", "account": "MediaWiki\\Auth\\RememberMeAuthenticationRequest", "fields": { "rememberMe": { "type": "checkbox", "label": "Angemeldet bleiben", "help": "Whether the password should be remembered for longer than the length of the session.", "optional": "" } } } ] } } }